KUALA LUMPUR – Monzter offers discounts of between 20% to 90% off retail prices on hotels, resorts, theme parks, restaurants, clubs, spas, salons, gadget stores, fashion boutiques, local events, concerts and festivals, home and automotive services, and children and recreational activities.
Monzter, an online discount and point redemption programme, is taking bargain-hunting to the next level with the relaunch of its website www.monzter2u.com at Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur on 23 March 2016.
The product relaunch, coupled with collaboration with BCard as its loyalty partner, offers a number of advantages to online members and participating merchants. The BCard is a cutomer loyalty card program launched by BLoyalty, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Berjaya Corporation.
Monzter is targeting young generation discount seekers comprising of affluent young adults, regular shoppers, teenagers, college students and tech-savvy adults with core target aged between 15 to 45 years old. The new Monzter website offers a much user-friendly experience and a superior customer service.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the collaborative effort between Monzter and BCard. The collaboration was signed by BLoyalty general manager Ooi Hooi Cheng and Monzter CEO Daniel Phan, and was witnessed by Berjaya Corporation Berhad executive director Dato’ Azlan Meah and Monzter’s co-founder Dato’ Selina Eu.
“I am happy to see this collaboration took place and I am confident that this collaboration will be a successful venture. BCard members will be rewarded with more points and discounts via Monzter platform,” said Dato’ Azlan Meah, adding that the collaboration will be able to broaden the business horizon of both Monzter and BCard.
He said that BCard merchants will be invited to participate in Monzter if the business is relevant to Monzter’s business logics. Adding glamour to the memorable event was special guest of the day international model Amber Chia who said she finds the deal site enthralling.
Daniel Phan gave a comprehensive explanation on how Monzter works.
“Monzter customers are required to purchase a minimum of RM20 worth of coupon credits to make purchases of the deals on the website and then redeem their items directly at participating merchants outlets. They are entitled to reward points upon payment to participating merchants. Their reward points can be used for product redemption on the website or can be converted into cash point for instant redemption at the merchant’s outlets,” explained Phan.
Monzter offers discounts of between 20% to 90% off retail prices on hotels, resorts, theme parks, restaurants, clubs, spas, salons, gadget stores, fashion boutiques, local events, concerts and festivals, home and automotive services, and children and recreational activities.
For the merchants, currently at over 700 participating merchants, Phan said Monzter offered the opportunity to tap into hundreds of thousands of targeted potential customers for a 24-hour period with no upfront cost or risk involved.
“Monzter is the perfect solution for businesses seeking the best opportunity to gain new customers and grow their business in a healthy and sustainable way,” said Phan.
For more information of the Monzter’s deals, visit www.monzter2u.com