Kao Malaysia has launched its new Bioré Guard Mos Block Serum, a mosquito repellent based on a repellent technology that makes the skin surface repulsive to mosquitoes.
The launch was announced in conjunction with the expansion of its Guard Our Future global project, focusing on innovative product technology and formulation that provides a cover protection shield, and keeping mosquitoes away from people’s skin and thus preventing mosquito bites
As part of the Guard Our Future project, KAO Malaysia will collaborate with the Selangor State Government and Takeda Malaysia in a series of activities aimed at protecting the lives of Malaysians against mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever.

“With the global landscape evolving rapidly and presenting new challenges, it is increasingly important that we drive forward our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy the Kirei Lifestyle Plan to realise a truly sustainable society while enhancing our business and minimising risks,” said Masahide Nishida, president Skin Care Business, Kao Corporation at the launch event held at One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya on June 13, 2024.
Nishida added, “In 2023, we accelerated efforts towards our Mid-term Plan 2027 (K27) to realise our vision of ‘Protecting future lives – Sustainability as the only path’.
“Some key progress includes the launch of the new Bioré Guard Mos Block Serum as well as the Guard Our Future project which combines our unique technology and key partnerships to save future lives.”
To kick off Guard Our Future in Malaysia, Kao Malaysia has pledged to match a donation of the newly launched Bioré Guard Mos Block Serum units with the number of active dengue fever cases in the state of Selangor in 2023. This will add up to over 61,080 units of the product worth RM15.90 per 50g unit, amounting to RM971,172 in total.
The donated units will be distributed till June 2025 at all activities in conjunction with Guard Our Future, including programs and campaigns related to dengue that will be implemented by the Selangor State Government together with related agencies and departments. The implementation will be carried out in stages starting in July 2024.
Koa Malaysia president Nishimaki Akira said dengue fever has been a major societal issue throughout Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, for many years and in addition, global warming and increasing urbanisation have also widened mosquitoes’ habitats and increased occurrences of dengue fever year on year.
“As part and parcel of Kao’s commitment to its strategy, we aim to synergise all efforts and expand on the promise of Guard Our Future in containing and eradicating the dengue menace to our communities,” he said.
Meanwhile, Selangor state exco for Public Health and Environment Jamaliah Jamaluddin said the state government through the Selangor State Public Health Committee will implement the dengue prevention program in Selangor with Kao Malaysia by providing education and exposure to the public about the dangers of dengue fever.
“We will also be sharing preventive measures that need to be carried out following the increase in dengue fever cases in the State of Selangor,” she said.
She added, “As part of this programme, we will organise educational workshops and gotong-royong activities around Selangor together with KaoO Malaysia along with the distribution of Bioré Guard Mos Block Serum to all participants.
“This public-private partnership is also in line with the Selangor State Government’s commitment in ensuring the health of the people of Selangor.”
From now until Dec 2024, Kao Malaysia through its Guard Our Future project will engage with the community through various means including, MoA signing with the Selangor state government and MoU signing with Takeda Malaysia; awareness talks about the dangers of dengue fever and ways to prevent and reduce transmission; community engagement in 50 selected schools; and three community clean-up sessions in selected dengue hotspots in Selangor.
The new Bioré Guard Mos Block Serum provides up to eight hours of protection and will be available in two fragrances – Fresh Lavender and Sweet Blossom, at major pharmacies and retailers priced at RM24.90 for a 100g tube.