Canon Short Film Contest 2023 for filmmakers to showcase their creativity

Canon Marketing Malaysia has announced its first-ever Canon Short Film Contest 2023, giving aspiring filmmakers and content creators nationwide an opportunity to showcase their creativity.

Its president and CEO Shunji Yoshikai said the contest is part of the company’s continued efforts in proactively engaging with and fostering talent in the local film industry.

“We’re excited to see the video entries from budding filmmakers in Malaysia, as they express their perspectives of ‘Harmony in Diversity’ through visual storytelling.

“As guided by our philosophy of ‘Kyosei’, the Canon Short Film Contest 2023 reflects our commitment to nurturing local creative talents, harnessing the power of visual storytelling to bring people together while celebrating their unique perspectives, cultures and backgrounds,” he said.

Themed “Harmony in Diversity,” the Canon Short Film Contest 2023 invites participants to embark on a narrative journey into the rich tapestry of cultures that surrounds us, showcasing the Malaysian experiences such as culture, racial diversity and travel destinations.

The panel of judges for the contest are comprised of industry experts, including acclaimed film director Raja Mukhriz, multiple award-winning director of photography Indra Che Muda Redzuan and veteran storyteller Chew Han Tah.

The judges will evaluate all the films submissions, seeking videos that inspire, provoke emotions and demonstrate exceptional technical skills before making recommendations for the incentive prize winners.

The Canon Short Film Contest 2023 is open to all Malaysian residents aged 18 and above, and the short films should be between three to ten minutes long, filmed on any brand of cameras or smartphones.

There are three categories for entry – Camera, University & Colleges (for university and college students) and Smartphone.

The winning entries will receive more than RM200,000 worth of prizes, including videography equipment, sponsored by Nanlite, SanDisk, Sennheiser and Zhiyun.

One lucky grand prize winner will have a chance to walk away with RM50,000 in prize money.

Entries must be submitted between September 1, 2023 to October 15, 2023.

For more info on Canon Short Film Contest 2023, visit the contest website at