MRCA brings Chinese New Year cheer to Lovely Disabled Home

Lovely Disabled Home founder KK Lum (centre) received a mock check for RM10,000 from MRCA council members who included (from L-R) Liang Foo Kuan, president Shirley Tay, MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Chang and Jordan Ng.

In conjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year celebration, the Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) makes a donation to the Lovely Disabled Home in Petaling Jaya through its charity arm MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation.

The donation worth RM10,000 comprised of cash and goods such as grocery items, electrical appliances and health products.

The council members of MRCA who visited the home included MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Cheng, MRCA president Shirley Tay, head of charity Jordan Ng and other council members.

The donation was received by Lovely Disabled Home founder KK Lum.

Like other businesses, the Lovely Disabled Home was also badly affected by the crisis. MRCA hopes that the donation will help to bring some relief to the start of 2022 and encourage other corporate bodies and business associations to contribute to those in needs.

Lovely Disabled Home, founded in November 2015, is a non-profit organization providing job opportunities to the physically and mentally challenged individuals and enabling them to participate at work in the community.